September 18, 2010Stanton Grange, Lebanon, NJPhotographer: Jim Pickell Group Photo Group Photo Mary Carpenter (Technology Coordinator) Judy Beck ( Historian) Megan Kransky with Jeanette Lesinski (Recording Secretary) Mary Pratt, Wanda Apgar and Judy Dickman Roger Flartey (former trustee) Bill Roberts, signing in Bill Roberts, signing in Matt Kransky (treasurer for the day) Tom Lesinski and Jeff Dalrymple Lesley Apgar tends the Apgar Store Debbie (Membership) and Mary Apgar Mike Apgar (President) with Henry Apgar, Jr. (Newsletter Editor) Mike Apgar (President) with Henry Apgar (Newsletter Editor) Mike Apgar (President) with Henry Apgar (Newsletter Editor) Lynn Conley (Genealogist) with Roger Flartey (former Trustee) Jack Shuster with George Apgar (Vice President) Lesley Apgar, Leia Apgar, Kristie Apgar and George Apgar (Vice President) Mike Apgar (President) Mike Apgar (President) Mike Apgar (President) Mike Apgar (President) Guest Speaker: Reverend Stephen Yoo, High Bridge Reformed Church Guest Speaker: Reverend Stephen Yoo, High Bridge Reformed Church Guest Speaker: Reverend Stephen Yoo, High Bridge Reformed Church Kim Apgar Costa Mike Apgar (President) with Guest Speaker, Reverend Stephen Yoo Lynn Conley (Genealogist) Lynn Conley (Genealogist) Jeff Dalrymple and Mary Carpenter Mary Carpenter (Technology Coordinator) and Tom Carpenter Roger Flartey and Judy Beck Mary, George and Debbie Apgar Bill Roberts and Dottie Pickell Tom and Jeanette Lesinski Albert and ... Teats Fred ... Kransky family: Megan, Lynn and Matt Dolorita and Harry Wright Evona ... and Lois ... Lois P Lee Anderson and Wayne Apgar Carol Apgar and Lesley Apgar Kristie Apgar, James Apgar and Leia Apgar Mike Apgar and Kim Apgar Costa Moria, Gavin and Ozzie Apgar Chris and Mary Apgar Ken and Leslie Apgar Glen and Judy Dickman John Apgar Charles and Mary Pratt with Wanda Apgar Effe ... John and Wanda Apgar Joyce and Stanley Garrison Peggy Sargent Cake for 300th Anniversary of Palentines to America Arthur Koenig and Jack Shuster Arthur and Hean Apgar Koenig Largest Family Group: The Howard Apgar Family Mike and Ken Apgar Oldest Female: Joyce Apgar Garrison, with Mike and Lynn Oldest Male: Bill Roberts, with Lynn and Mike Youngest member: Bridget Apgar, with Lynn and Mike Longest Married: Harry and Dolorita Wright, with Lynn and Mike Travelled Farthest: Henry Apgar with Mike and Lynn Raffle Winner: Carol Apgar with Lynn and Mike. Ticket drawn by Bridget Apgar. Trustees: Lois, Henry, Mary, Lynn, George, Jeanette, Debbie, Mike