Early Officers, 1930 - 1942

1923-1925 - George Whitfield Apgar (
1926-1928 - Noah Apgar (
1929-1931 - Irving W. Apgar (
1931-1942 - Frank E. Apgar (
Secretary / Treasurers:
1923-1925 - David C. Farley (
1926-1927 – Isaiah L. Apgar ( and Ida Alpaugh Apgar (
1928 – Frank E. Apgar (
1930-1939 - David C. Farley (
Geroge Harvey Bloom (
Frances B. Gunderson (, author "A Genalogy of Johannes Peter Apgar"
George W. Tine (, reprinted the Apgar section of Chamber”s boon on "Early Germans of New Jersey"
Edna Hann Apgar (wife of
Majorie Lucile Apgar Bretschweider (, author "The Book on Apkers of Wisconsin"