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b. 14 September 1731 in Niederdreis (German Palantine), baptized in the Reformed Church at Puderbach on 23 September 1731, d. during the summer of 1800 in Cokesbury, Hunterdon County, NJ, estate probated 6 August 1800 in Flemington, NJ, buried in Tewksbury Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
m. (1) Anne …, b. 21 July 1732 in Cokesbury, Hunterdon County, NJ, d. 26 March 1771 in Tewksbury Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, buried in First Reformed Church Cemetery, Lebanon, Hunterdon County, NJ. She was the mother of Herbert's first 8 children.
m. (2) Anna Eick, b. unknown in Tewksbury Township, Hunterdon County, NJ. Anna Eick was probably the daughter of Jacob Eich; naturalized 1730; will dated Lebanon, Hunterdon County, August 14, probated 3 November 1755. Anna was his 4th named child. She was the mother of three children.
Anne's burial in the First Reformed Church Cemetery was one of the first burials there. In later years her headstone had been broken, and the Apgar Family Association had the stone reset. The plot beside hers was probably intended for her husband, Herbert. His second marriage changed those plans. The vacant plot was sold or given to Conrad Apgar, the Revolutionary War Veteran. The records of Old Lebanon Reformed Church show that Anne Epger, wife of Herbert Epger, d. March 26, 1771 @ age 38.8.5. She is buried in Row 63. Conrad Apgar, d. March 1, 1839 is buried in the same plot.
Children by first marriage:
1.1 Ann Apgar, b. 1756, m. John W. Alpaugh
1.2 Peter A. Apgar, Sr., b. 1758, m. (1) Mary A. Alpock, (2) Christiana Anderson
1.3. Margaret Apgar, b. 1761, m. Jacob Eick
1.4. George Apgar, b. 1762, m. (1) Anna Margaret Apgar (3.2.), (2) Ruhuma Everitt
1.5. John Apgar, b. 1764, m. Catherine Apgar (2.2.)
1.6. William C. Apgar, b. circa 1767, m. Anna Bunn
1.7. Catherine Apgar, b. 1769, m. John Wilhelm Alpaugh
1.8. Herbert Apgar, Jr., b. 1770, m. Mary Crammer
Children by second marriage:
1.9. Paul Apgar, b. 1772, m. (1) Mary Eick, (2) Hannah Apgar, (3) Nancy Todd
1.10. Eva Apgar, b. 1776, m. John Teats
1.11. Mary Apgar, b. 1783, m. Peter Teats
The deed for this Herbert's property has this paragraph included: "Excepting out of the premises above described one square rood where Harbert Apgar, deceased, is buried.” His parents were probably already buried there. Mr. Dave Mills, current property owner and the Apgar Family Association has been searching for the square rood, with no success so far. Herbert Ebcher (Apgar) stayed on the homestead farm. Since most of his brothers and sisters were still at home when Herbert married, it is quite likely that the second stone house was built at this time. In time it was filled with eleven children of his own. His first wife, Anne, surname unknown, died shortly after Herbert, Jr. was born. As you have probably noted, these early German-Americans usually named their first born son after his paternal grandfather, and the youngest son after his father. Of course, Herbert did not expect to remarry, so he thought at the time that Herbert Jr. was his youngest and last son.
Herbert's children, starting in 24 May 1769 with Catharina, were baptized in the Lebanon Reformed Church. His name is recorded as Herbert Ebcher and wife Ana, as the parents. Eva was baptized 20 May 1776, with parent as Herbert Ebcher and wife Anna. These records were all written in the German language until the 1790's and Ebcher became Apgard/Apgar. We are sure that not all names of baptisms were recorded or found as many different men served as pastors, some only preaching for a day/month and moving on to another church. Services were irregular and often only once a year.
When the Revolutionary War was over, and the Allen-Turner holdings were being sold, Herbert bought from Stephen Johnson, Evert and Jane Van Winkle, of Middlesex, two hundred acres of his homestead on 14 August 1787. Herbert paid five hundred pounds for this land, recorded in Deed Book 6, page 24, of the records of the Hunterdon County Hall of Records, Flemington, NJ.
On 12 June 1797, Herbert bought from Jacob Nitzer, another lot, containing 50.17 acres, said lot abutting the road to the meeting house in Lebanon. This road can still be seen near Bissell Road; then called Apgars Corners. For this land, Herbert paid one hundred twenty-six pounds, fifteen shillings. When the "Great Road leading to Potterstown" was built, Herbert realized he had no access to this highway. Accordingly he bought a third lot which gave him a long frontage on this road, now called the Cokesbury Road. For this lot he paid John Alpock thirty-nine pounds, five shillings, plus "tuppence and a hapenny". This new road had cut through John Alpock's farm, leaving this lot across the road from his house, so, it was an advantage to both farmers to transfer ownership. The sale was completed on 8 November 1797.
When Herbert died in midsummer of 1800, executors were his sons, Peter and George Apgar, and his son-in-law, Jacob Eicke. Witnesses to his will were John Haas, John Wickoff, and Herbert Rodenbaugh. One of Herbert's last official acts took place in July of 1800. Herbert was at that time present for the signing over of two twenty-five acre lots to his sons, Herbert, Jr., and Paul, (a/k/a as Powell). This was witnessed in July, and his will was probated in August.
In his will, Herbert made the proviso that if it were deemed advantageous at any future time to sell the plantation farm, then the proceeds were to be divided amongst the heirs. On 18 October 1829, the farm was put up for auction by the executors, Peter A. and George. The highest bidder was Herbert Jr., who paid $2,449.40 for 233 1/2 acres.
Book of Special Deeds, Hall of Records, Hunterdon County, Flemington, NJ
Deed Books, Hall of Records, Hunterdon County, Flemington, NJ
Anecdotal Records of the late Zetta Hannah Sutton, Cokesbury, NJ
Records of Nancy L. Nelson, Plattsburg, Mo.