Special Board of Trustee Meeting

On Sunday, July 15th, the Apgar Family Association Board of Trustees had a special meeting by teleconference.

Present: Mike Apgar, Hank Apgar, Debbie Apgar, David Rich, Lynn Conley, Judy Beck, Carol Kinnaird, Absent: George Apgar, Lisa Berman

As per the Association By-laws 4.8, A special meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held whenever called at the request of any 3 trustees. Notice of the special meeting was made to all the trustees on July 1, 2018 by email and mailed via USPS to those without such an email account.

The Meeting was called to Order by Mike Apgar at 3:05 on July 15, 2018.

Mike made a brief statement on the reason for the special meeting, stating that the Apgar Family Association needs a re-start and to that end we made the following decisions:

  1. Appointed Lynn Conley to the board as a trustee.
  2. Elected new officers: Mike Apgar, President; Hank Apgar, Vice President; Dave Rich, Treasurer, Lynn Conley, Recording Secretary, Debbie Apgar, Corresponding Secretary.
  3. Agreed to hold the annual reunion at the Stanton Grange on October 6, 2018 ($10 registration fee, $5.00 for the meal. Total =$15 including dinner)
  4. Agreed to forego any dues charges of members during 2018 (and credit any payments received for next year).
  5. Committed to notifying members by e-mail.
  6. Agreed to publish a newsletter, with Hank as editor (deadline for items in this issue will be July 30).
  7. Removed George Apgar from the board as a trustee.

Thankfully, Judy Beck will continue as Historian and Mary Carpenter will continue as Webmaster, although neither wishes to be a Trustee at this time. Lisa Berman will remain on the Board as PR Director. Lisa Berman wanted to participate however there was a communication mix-up.

Mike called for the Treasurer’s Report and Membership Report.

David Rich, reported as of June 30, 20189 the A.F.A. checking account balance is $8,387.70 and the certificate of deposit balance is $8,137.51 for a balance of $16,525.21. The certificate of deposit matures every 9 months. It matured on June 2, 2018. The next maturity date is March 2, 2019.

Debbie Apgar stated as per her membership report, we have between 150 to 175 members.

The Meeting was adorned at 4:23pm

Respectfully submitted by- Lynn Conley, Recording Secretary



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