Create New Account - Verification Process

At this time, the Membership Directory is not actively maintained as part of the Apgar Family website. Periodically through out the year, the Membership Chairperson provides the current list to the Technology Coordinator, who is responsible for approving all New Account requests. In between those times, she also sends emails with updates; i.e. new email addresses, new mailing addresses and new members.

Using these tools, below are the steps that are followed by the Technology Coordinator to verify the New Account request is for a valid member.

  1. Checks the Membership Directory and updates to determine if the account is for a valid member. The key pieces of information that are used in this process are the E-mail address, First Name, Last Name and Mailing Address. If the information matches, the new account is processed (see below)

  2. If no match is found, the account is cancelled without any notification if one of the following is true since it would indicate that the new account request is actually spam.
    • The domain of the email address is included on list of known spammers maintained by the Technology Coordinator.
    • The city, state and zip-code information provided is not valid per the USPS. If this is the case, the domain of the email address is added to the list of spammers.

    Identifying a new spammer is actually pretty easy since multiple new user account requests with the same email domain will be submitted over a couple of days.

  3. If the account request is not flagged as spam, the user account information (name, address and email) are forward to the Membership Chairperson for verification. She checks her Membership Directory along with any membership applications that have been received but not yet been processed and lets the Technology Coordinator know if the accounts are for valid members.

If the account is for a current member, the new account is processed (see below)

If not, the account is cancelled and you receive an email notification. There is a possibility that the membership application is still in the mail. If so, you can reach out directly to the Membership Chairperson ( and request that they confirm when your membership application is received. Once that confirmation is received, you can submit a new account request for a second time. If you copy the Technology Coordinator ( on this email correspondence, the verification process listed above can be skipped and your new account(s) set up shortly after you submit the account request.

When the new account is processed:

  • The Drupal ID is unblocked. This is the ID that gives you access to the General section of the Apgar Family website.
  • If a TNG ID is requested, that account is set up as well using the same ID but different password. The TNG ID gives you access to the Family Tree section of the Apgar Family website.
  • The Technology Coordinator sends you an email confirming that the your account(s) have been set up.

If this e-mail is returned as undelivered, a second attempt is made. If that fails as well, the Technology Coordinator will try to contact you from one of her personal email addresses. Most times, the problem is that the Technology Coordinator's email address is being flagged as spam and blocked by your email provider. You will need to work with your email provide to get the emails unblocked. Sometimes it is as simple as adding the email address to your contact list.

Once the problem is resolved, you should send an email to the Technology Coordinator at her Apgar Family email account ( to let her know. She will then attempt a third time to email you your account information.